CBSE Assessment Scheme 2022-23 for Class 10th & 12th has been announced by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). CBSE has prepared for the next academic session i.e. 2022-23. CBSE on Thursday announced the CBSE Assessment Scheme 2022-23 for Class 9 to Class 12. We have given below the complete details about Central Board Assessment Scheme & Term 1/ Term 2 Date Sheet also.
Latest Update 12th Dec:- सीबीएसई: देशभर में 15 फरवरी तक 10वीं व 12वीं बोर्ड के होंगे प्रैक्टिकल
सीबीएसई की कक्षा 10वीं और 12वीं की प्रायोगिक परीक्षाएं और इंटरनल एसेसमेंट 1 जनवरी से 15 फरवरी तक चलेंगी। सीबीएसई ने शिक्षकों और विधार्थियों की सुविधा के लिए प्रैक्टिकल और इंटरनल एसेसमेंट के अंकों का विवरण भी वेबसाइट पर जारी किया है। कक्षा 10वीं में हिंदी और अंग्रेजी सहित विभिन्न पेपर 100 अंकों का होगा। इसमें 80 नंबर थ्योरी के और 20 नंबर इंटरनल एसेसमेंट के होंगे। म्यूज़िक विषयों में 30 नंबर का थ्योरी का पेपर होगा व 50 नंबर का प्रैक्टिकल होगा तथा 20 नंबर इंटरनल एसेसमेंट के होंगे। कंप्यूटर एप्लीकेशन सब्जेक्ट में 50 नंबर की थ्योरी और 50 नंबर का ही प्रैक्टिकल होगा। वोकेशनल कोर्सेज में भी 50 नंबर की हुई थ्योरी और 50 नंबर का प्रैक्टिकल होगा।
Preparation for Practical Examination/Internal Assessments/Project for Class X/XII, 2022-23
CBSE Assessment Scheme 2022-23
Central Board of Secondary Education prepared for the next academic session i.e. 2022-23. CBSE on Thursday announced the Special Assessment Scheme 2022-23 for Class 9 to Class 12. Under this, The traditional board examination based on 100% syllabus in class 10th and 12th, one exam will be taken in a year. In this exam, questions will be asked from 100% syllabus only. It is necessary that the paper board for examinations will be prepared. CBSE has also decided four assessment scenarios. Final examinations may be held in the presence of an external supervisor or at an external center if the conditions are completely favourable. On the other hand, in the worst case, if the school remains closed for the next entire session, then the students will give both the term papers from home.

Central Board Assessment Date Sheet 2023
It is completely uncertain what the situation of the corona epidemic will be like during the next full season. In view of this uncertainty, CBSE has also made full preparations. The result formula has been made differently for 4 types of situations.
CBSE 12th Exam Date Sheet 2023 Check
Central Board 10th Exam Scheme 2023 10th/12th Evaluation Scheme 2023 Check
We have Provide The Basic Details about CBSE Assessment Scheme 2023. Students who have studying 10th & 12th Class, They all are Check CBSE March-April Date Sheet through below given table-
Exam Conducting Board Name | Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) |
Exam Name | 10th & 12th Exam |
Session | 2022-23 |
Assessment Exam Date | 1st Jan 2023 Onwards |
Exam Date | Feb 2023 |
Category | Exam Scheme |
Exam Type | Offline Exam |
Official Site | |
Date Sheet Release Date | Available Soon |
Check Measures to Improve Internal Assessment 10th & 12th Class
We have discuss below the measures by which you can improve your Internal Assessment also. So Check it Carefully-
- In addition to both the term exams, the school will conduct at least 3 periodic tests in a year for internal assessment in classes 9-10.
- Students are asked to include Enrichment, Portfolio, Practical and Speaking-Listening Activity or Project.
- For 11th-12th students also, schools will have to include tests, practicals and project work of each unit in the internal assessment.
- Schools will have to upload the internal assessment marks on the IT portal of CBSE.
दो बार एग्जाम होने से स्टूडेंट्स कर सकेंगे बेहतर स्कोर, सिलेबस में भी कटौती तय
According to the new notification of CBSE, the traditional board based on 100% syllabus in class 10th and 12th will be taken in term 1 and term 2, whose syllabus will be announced by the board by the third week of July. It is also written in the notification that the syllabus for the board examinations of the academic year 2021-22 will also be rationalized like last year i.e. the cut in syllabus is fixed this year also.
The board should start preparing for term 1 before Diwali and for term 2 after Diwali. Also, it will be correct to fix the weightage of 40% out of objective and 60% out of descriptive. There will also be an opportunity for the children to improve the score by having the exam twice.
महामारी की स्थितियां न सुधरने तक ऑनलाइन पढ़ाई जारी रखेंगे सभी स्कूल
बोर्ड ने कहा है कि जब तक स्थानीय प्रशासन स्कूल खोलने की इजाजत नहीं देता तब तक सभी स्कूलों को दूरस्थ माध्यम से पढ़ाई जारी रखनी होगी। ऑनलाइन स्टडी के लिहाज से 10वीं और 12वीं के कोर्स को ज्यादा युक्तिसंगत बनाने की बात सीबीएसई ने कहीं है। यानी बोर्ड की तैयारी है कि यदि जरूरत पड़े तो पूरा सत्र ऑनलाइन पढ़ाई हो सके।
Check Central Board Official News
Frequently Asked Questions
The Central Board ready to conduct Exam From Feb-March 2023.
The CBSE will be conduct Board 10th/12th Exam in Feb-March 2023.
The Central Board Evaluation Scheme has been provided here or students can check it through official site also.
CBSE 10th/12th March-April Time Table 2023
A lot of students who are waiting for CBSE 12th Date Sheet 2023, They can check their CBSE Art commerce Science Exam Routine through online mode. The central Board secondary board will release CBSE 12th Exam Schedule in Feb Month. So students regularly check and access their exam scheme on this page. CBSE Assessment Scheme 2023 is very important for the study plan. We have update CBSE 12th Class Date Sheet 2023 after official declaration. You should visit here to download complete CBSE Assessment Scheme 2023 in PDF format.
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