UP B.Ed Counselling 2023 Check JEE B.Ed Counselling Schedule, Call Letter Process:- Hello Students, The UP B.Ed Counselling 2023 Registration start from May. Candidates can apply for JEE B.Ed Counselling Registration 2023. UP B.Ed Allotment Result 2023 release. Before enroll in UP JEE B.Ed Counselling 2023 Process, You have to check Counselling Official Notification also. The counseling process for B.Ed conduct in various steps such as phase 1, phase 2, and many more. Because this depends on the number of students appearing in Written examination.
UP Bed Entrance Exam Result 2023
UP B.Ed Counselling 2023
The Uttar Pradesh Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) for UP B.Ed. It has conducted by Bundelkhand University. UP Bed JEE 2023 Exam conduct on 24th April. Candidates who are willing to have their career in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Teacher program can take on UP B.Ed 2023 for academic year. You can get complete details about UP B.Ed Counselling 2023 and much more. UP Bed JEE Result announce in May 2023. The Counselling Process has been started in May. UP B.Ed 2023 Seat Allotment Result and other important dates released by MJP Rohilkhand University to conduct Counselling. For more info please get in touch.

@https://bujhansi.ac.in/ Counselling Schedule/ Dates
The UP B.Ed Counselling will be online off Campus Counselling. Candidates must bring their complete documents which may be required at time of Counselling or admission. UP Bed Counselling will be conduct in 6 stages also.
Exam Events | Important Dates |
UP B.Ed Counselling Call Letter Release from | June 2023 |
Counselling Registration Started Date | June 2023 |
Closing date of B.Ed Counselling Registration | June 2023 |
Academic Session will Start From | June 2023 |
यूपी बीएड काउंसलिंग 2023 ऑनलाइन
रुहेलखंड विवि के प्रवेश समन्वयक के मुताबिक, दोनों पेपर के कुल अंक 400 थे। इसी आधार पर रैंक जारी करके ऑनलाइन काउंसलिंग होगी। जल्द ही फाइनल शेड्यूल जारी किया जायेगा।
एक सीट पर तीन दावेदार
बीएड में दाखिले के लिए इस बार मारामारी रहेगी। राजधानी सहित प्रदेश भर में 1 लाख 90 हजार सीटों पर प्रवेश परीक्षा हुई थी। इनमे 5 लाख 66 हजार अभ्यर्थी शामिल हुए थे। इस आधार पर एक सीट पर तीन की दावेदारी है। पिछले साल दाखिले के लिए अभ्यर्थियों की संख्या कम थी। इसकी वजह से प्रवेश परीक्षा में शून्य अंक वालों को भी मौका दिया गया था।
Documents Required For UP B.Ed Counselling 2023
Candidates need to visit counseling center only on day that is specified as per their rank. Students have required to bring the original documents along with set of photocopies of documents
- Proof of qualifying examination
- Proof of Age – Copy of High School Certificate
- Income Certificate
- Proof of Category/Caste
- Proof of Sub-Category
- Medical Certificate (for PH/BL)
- Certificate of 10th (for PH/BL)
- Proof of Weight age marks
- Domicile Certificate
- Demand Draft 5000 payable at Lucknow University.
UP B.Ed 1st Phase Counseling Allotment Result will be Release Soon. Students can check it through below given link-
- Step-I: Registration:
UP B.Ed 2023 Counselling Stages
Check JEE B.Ed Counselling Schedule 2023
Rounds | Particulars | Dates |
1. | Registration For 01 – 75000 Rank Holders | Sep 2023 |
Registration & Choice Filling | Sep to Oct 2023 | |
Seat Allotment | Oct 2023 | |
Submission Of Fees | Update Soon | |
2. | Registration For 75001 – 200000 Rank Holders | Oct 2023 |
Registration & Choice Filling | Oct 2023 | |
Seat Allotment | Oct 2023 | |
Submission Of Fees | Oct 2023 | |
3. | Registration For 200001 to 350000 Rank Holders | Oct 2023 |
Registration & Choice Filling | Oct 2023 | |
Seat Allotment | Oct 2023 | |
Submission Of Fees | Oct 2023 | |
4. | Last Counseling For 350001 To Last Rank Holders | Oct 2023 |
Seat Confirm & Fees Submission | Oct 2023 | |
Pool Counseling | Data Reconciliation | Nov 2023 |
Registration & Choice Filling | Nov 2023 | |
Allotment | Nov 2023 | |
Download Allotment Letter | Nov 2023 |
Counselling Guidelines
Only candidates who make it to U.P. JEE B.ED 2023 Merit List are eligible to participate in Counselling. The B.Ed. online counselling shall commence from August 2023. Detailed Counselling Schedule would be displayed on Lucknow University website.
- Counselling Rounds:- बीएड में दाखिले के लिए काउंसलिंग तीन चरणों में होगी। वहीं डायरेक्ट एडमिशन के लिए अभियार्थी के पास बीएड सयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा की रैंक होना अनिवार्य है –
- First counselling:-
- UP Bed Pool counselling:- पहले चरण में शामिल न होने और सीट न पाने वाले अभ्यर्थी पूल काउंसलिंग में शामिल हो सकेंगे। पूल काउंसलिंग में शामिल होने के लिए पहले चरण की तरह पंजीकरण की प्रक्रिया पूरी करनी होगी। साथ ही उन्हें निर्धारित फीस जमा करनी होगी। सीट न मिलने पर यह फीस उन्हें वापस कर दी जाएगी।
- Direct admission:- पहले दो चरणों में सीट न पाने वाले अभ्यर्थियों को डायरेक्ट एडमिशन पाने का भी मौका होगा। इस चरण में काउंसलिंग कॉलेज स्तर पर होगी। हालाँकि इसके लिए वही अभ्यर्थी पात्र होंगे, जिनके पास राज्य प्रवेश परीक्षा की रैंक हो। कॉलेज में सीट खाली होने पर ही दाखिला दिया जायेगा। कॉलेज का दाखिला पाने वाले अभियर्थियों की सूची MJPRU को भेजनी होगी। विवि इनका सत्यापन करेगा। इसके बाद ही दाखिले मान्य होंगे।
Requirements for Participation in Counselling
The following would be required for registration for counselling
- Bank Account Details
-This should be in the name of the candidate or Father or Mother.
-Information needed - Account number
- IFSC code
- Bank name
- Branch
In case the candidate is not allotted a seat, the advance college fee paid in first counselling and full college fee paid in pool counselling would be refunded into this account only.
The B.Ed entrance examination was of Objective type and consisted Two Question papers. each questions paper was of 200 Marks.
1. First Question Paper- it consisted of, (i) General Knowledge question (ii) Language (Hindi or English)
2. Second Question Paper– it consisted of, (i) Aptitude Test, and (ii) Subject Knowledge (Art, Science, Commerce, Agriculture).
Important Notes
- सभी उम्मीदवारों को काउंसिलिंग के समय क्वालीफाइंग परीक्षा का मूल अंक पत्र होना चाहिए, जब भी वे परामर्श केंद्र में निर्धारित तिथि और समय पर रिपोर्ट कर रहे हों।
- योग्यता परीक्षा की अनंतिम इंटरनेट मार्कशीट मान्य माना जा सकता है यदि परामर्श के समय कॉलेज के संबंधित रजिस्ट्रार / प्राचार्य द्वारा डाक टिकट के साथ विधिवत सत्यापित किया गया हो। काउंसिलिंग समन्वयकों को भी परामर्श केंद्र में ऑनलाइन अंक का सत्यापन करना चाहिए।
- यदि उम्मीदवार परामर्श केंद्र पर किसी भी कारण से अपने पद के अनुसार निर्धारित समय पर परामर्श केंद्र पर परामर्श केंद्र में रिपोर्ट करने में असमर्थ हैं, तो वह बाद की तारीख पर रिपोर्ट कर सकता है लेकिन उस दिन केवल उपलब्ध सीटों के लिए परामर्श के लिए पात्र हो सकता है।
- उम्मीदवारों को उनके मूल दस्तावेजों के सत्यापन के साथ आवंटित B.Ed कॉलेज को रिपोर्ट करने के लिए जाना चाहिए।
- First counselling
- Pool counselling
- Direct admission
University participating for up BEd Counselling
Universities | Total Colleges | Total Seats |
Siddhartha University | 69 | 4325 |
Sampoornanad University | 09 | 600 |
Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth | 116 | 10000 |
CSJM University | 245 | 12000 |
MJPRU Bareilly | 139 | 12000 |
Virbahadur Singh Purvanchal University | 137 | 8150 |
Chaudhary Charan Singh University Meerut | 994 | 43000 |
Bundelkhand University Jhansi | 93 | 8900 |
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University Agra | 457 | 24150 |
Lucknow University | 61 | 5000 |
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia University Faizabad | 206 | 15000 |
Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Urdu, Arabi~Farsi University | 01 | 50 |
Steps to UP B.Ed Counselling 2023 Process
In the Counselling, Candidates will be invite as per rank. Usually, Last candidate is called for UP B.Ed Seat Allotment 2023. We have given below Counselling & Seat allotment process-
- STEP-1 Document Verification:-
Candidates will be called for document verification round, as per given schedule. When document verification done successfully, Aspirants will receive a OTP on their registered mobile number.
At the document verification center, Candidate will have to submit 500/-Rs. as the charge of registration fee and rs. 5000/- fee amount of admission. If candidates not selected for the seat allotment, than the amount 5000 will be refunded. If UP Bed seat allotment, than it will be adjusted.
- STEP-2 College & Choice Filling:-
Candidates use the OTP and able to submit the choices of the courses and colleges. The UP B.Ed Choice Filling has to be done online. It is very important to submit their College & Course Preferences in the order of priority because the seat will be allotted on the basis of it.
- STEP-3 UP B.Ed Seat Allotment:-
In this process the authority will allocate the admission or seat, on the basis of aspirants rank and their filling choice. To accept the seat candidates will have to pay the seat acceptance fee.
Steps to Download UP B.Ed 2023 Counselling Call Letter
We have given simple steps, Candidates may follow to download the call letter-
- Firstly, Visit the official site.
- Enter Roll Number, DOB in the given columns.
- Now press the submit key.
- Save & Download the UP B.Ed Call Letter 2023.
Click Here:- UP JEE B.Ed Counselling Procedure
UP B.Ed Authority Contact Details
Telephone Numbers | |
B.Ed 2023-25 Information Cell | — |
Mobile Number |
E-Mail ID | — |
State Coordinator | BU Jhansi |
Registrar/ Nodal State Officer | — |
Websites | https://bujhansi.ac.in/ |
UP B.Ed Counselling 2023 Call Letter
When the examination authority release UP B.Ed 2023 Counselling Admit Card, We have update it here. The Call Letter contains complete details about Counselling Venue, time & date etc. So the aspirants have to download UP B.Ed Counselling Call Letter 2023 and have to bring it at time of UP B.Ed Counselling 2023. If you have doubt or suggestion then comment us.